Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time flies . . .

. . and the moments rush by relentlessly. In between, some events that occur are far too insignificant (and some too significant) for narrating on a blog. Even so, it is only a matter of seizing a moment out of nowhere. That is what I must convince myself.

In the meanwhile, I am reminded of a quote attributed to Groucho Marx, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

[If you wish to see a larger, crisper version of the image of the Indian dragonfly, with more details, please click on it.]

Monday, November 20, 2006

A beginning . . .

A portrait of the Rising Sun
Originally uploaded by Java Cafe.
So, let this image then serve as a metaphor of a beginning.

This is a photo of a sunrise I took in one of my most favorite destinations on Earth -- Sanibel Island in Florida. I wish to upload more photos of this marvelous place later, with much more detailed narratives, I hope. For now, let this just be a brief introduction.

Into this new space

My first attempt at creating an "integrated" space that will hold some of my musings and conjectures, expressions and images, thoughts and inspirations, and many other things that are impossible for me to predict at this time.

If I were to guess, it would be that there will be a lot of digital images.